Guest Authors
Ultimate Healer is always interested in guest authors posting relevant stories on our site. Your quality articles should be focused on improving lives with Subliminal Messages, Hypnosis or Meditation. If you are interested please use the sign-up area located to the right to create an account or log-in if you are already an Author. All articles will be check and, if appropriate, approved. Each article should include at least one relevant image. If you don’t have an image, great images can be found at . Please contact us if you have any questions.
Any violation of our submission guidelines will cause your account to be deleted and you will be banned from further submissions.
Author’s and Article Tool-chest
User Accounts
While creating your user account, you can provide a link back to your website and you should include some biographical information. Once your user name is created it can not be changed. After your account is approved, you will be able to login by clicking on ‘Guest Author Signin’ in the site footer. One you login the WordPress dashboard will let you ‘add a new post’ or ‘edit an existing’ posts.
Including a Photo
A photograph should be included with each article. If you are not familiar with WordPress, photos are added with the ‘Add Media’ button at the top of the ‘Add New Post.’ Once selected you have the option to upload a new photo from your computer – just drag the image on to the upload form. A good is not more than 300px by 300px.
Carefully crafting an excerpt or article description will help readers understand what your article is discussing. It is the description displayed on the site to attract the readers attention. You can also use this description in the All in One SEO Description (below) or craft completely different descriptions. The excerpt is not limited to 160 characters like the SEO Description.
All in One SEO
Properly completing the ‘All in one SEO’ will dramatically increase the viability of your post on the internet. There are three main sections: the title, description and keywords. The title can be up to 60 characters ans will typically be more descriptive than your article’s title. The description can be a short excerpt or description of the article. With a Google search, about 160 characters of the description will be displayed below the SEO title. The actual title of the article will be displayed by Google as the URL
Here is a typical listing from a Google search:
SEO Keyword
Keywords are used by the search engines to locate articles to present in searches. It is best to use several keywords that are relevant to your article. All in One SEO Keywords should be entered separated by commas. You can also use a ‘long tail keyword’ or short sentence to describe your article. As a guest author you should probably include your name so that your articles and on-line presence are submitted to the search engines. All articles, descriptions and keywords are submitted to the search engines daily. After 48-hours you should be able to search for your article by name, description and keywords.